Friday, March 12, 2010

Fresh Corn Basket - Prachi

For the Basket
1½ Cups maize flour ( Makai Ka Atta)
1½ Cups Maida
3 tea spoons oil
¾ tea spoon salt
Oil for deep frying

For the Stuffing
1 cup fresh cooked corn
1 cup crushed cooked corn
1 Cup nicely chopped spinach
1 Red capsicum chopped
1 Onion chopped
1 teaspoon garlic – Chilli paste
2 Tablespoon grated cheese
1 Cup milk
2 Tablespoon fresh cream
2 teaspoons corn flour
2 teaspoons maida
2 Tablespoons Butter
1 tea spoon chilli flakes
1 t.sp Oregano
A few drops Tabasco sauce
Salt to taste

For Decoration - Shredded, Fresh broccoli

For the Basket
Mix maize flour, maida, oil and salt and make a semi-stiff dough by adding water. Knead the dough well and keep for 30 minutes. Roll out into small puris and press inside a basket shaped mould. Deep fry the stack in hot oil until crisp.

For the Stuffing
Mix the milk, cream, corn flour and maida and keep it aside. Heat the butter and fry the chopped onion and capsicum for ½ minute. Add the garlic-chilli paste, cooked corn, crushed corn, chopped spinach and fry for 2 minutes. Add the milk mixture to it and cook again for a few minutes. Add salt, grated cheese, chilli flakes, oregano and a few drops of tabasco sauce.

How to Serve
Put one spoon of stuffing in each basket and heat it in microwave for 30 seconds. Decorate it with broccoli. Serve hot.

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